November 24, 2023
Writing C programs for speech on the SC126 (RC2014 Compatible) with a SPO256-AL2 Speech Synthesis Chip I spent some time yesterday working with ChatGPT to assist me in writing a moderately complex (based on my personal experience) C program. The program needed to be a port of the following BASIC program:
10 DATA 27,7,45,15,53,3,46,51,45,1,21,3 20 LET LE=12 30 DIM XX(LE) 40 FOR Y = 1 TO LE 50 READ XX (Y) 60 NEXT Y 70 FOR Z=1 TO LE 80 IF (INP(31) AND 2) = 2 THEN GOTO 100 90 GOTO 80 100 OUT 31,XX(Z) 110 NEXT Z This program sends the correct allophones to the speech synthesizer to make it say “Hello, World”.
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