VGA on an FPGA
I have been working with my FPGA boards to attempt to display a test pattern on a VGA monitor. For my experiments, I bought a small VGA monitor*. It has a VGA input, as well as a HDMI input, so I can use it with all of my FPGAs, since the Zybo only has HDMI ports.
I am using my Mercury 2 with the Mercury baseboard attachment, as it has a VGA port on it. I will also attempt to get it working on my Nexys A7*.
VGA Code
I found some great VGA Verilog code on that I was able to utilize as the base foundation for my VGA experiments.
Here is the altered Verilog code for my VGA device.
// Author: unknown
module vga2(clk, red,green,blue,hsync,vsync);
// Input clk, 50 MHz Oscillator
input clk;
// VGA outputs
output red;
output green;
output blue;
output hsync;
output vsync;
reg [9:0] hcount; // VGA horizontal counter
reg [9:0] vcount; // VGA vertical counter
reg [2:0] data; // RGB data
wire hcount_ov;
wire vcount_ov;
wire videosignal_active;
wire square_active;
wire hsync;
wire vsync;
reg vga_clk;
// VGA mode parameters
parameter hsync_end = 10'd95,
hdat_begin = 10'd143,
hdat_end = 10'd783,
hpixel_end = 10'd799,
vsync_end = 10'd1,
vdat_begin = 10'd34,
vdat_end = 10'd514,
vline_end = 10'd524;
always @(posedge clk)
vga_clk = ~vga_clk;
always @(posedge vga_clk)
if (hcount_ov)
hcount <= 10'd0;
hcount <= hcount + 10'd1;
assign hcount_ov = (hcount == hpixel_end);
always @(posedge vga_clk)
if (hcount_ov)
if (vcount_ov)
vcount <= 10'd0;
vcount <= vcount + 10'd1;
assign vcount_ov = (vcount == vline_end);
assign videosignal_active = ((hcount >= hdat_begin) && (hcount < hdat_end))
&& ((vcount >= vdat_begin) && (vcount < vdat_end));
assign square_active = ((hcount >= 250) && (hcount < 500))
&& ((vcount >= 250) && (vcount < 500));
assign hsync = (hcount > hsync_end);
assign vsync = (vcount > vsync_end);
assign red = (videosignal_active) & (square_active) ? data[0] : 0;
assign green = (videosignal_active) ? data[1] : 0;
assign blue = (videosignal_active) ? data[2] : 0;
// generate "image"
always @(posedge vga_clk)
// data <= (vcount[2:0] ^ hcount[2:0]);
data <= (vcount[1:0] ^ hcount[2:1]);
I altered the original code to include a box that only displays for the red pixels, making a yellow box in my test pattern.
Here is the result
A few years ago, I was able to successfully setup a Pong game (from that used a potentiometer to move the paddle, but I can’t find my original Verilog from that project. I’d like to do it again. It would be nice if I could have a display for the SAP-1 implementation that I’m working on.